Park Systems Completes Equity Investment in Molecular Visa
- 01 Feb 2020
- Volume 19
- NanoScientific Magazine, Spring 2020
Park Systems Corp. world-leading manufacturer of Atomic Force Microscopes (AFM), announced today it has made an equity investment in Molecular Vista, based in San Jose, CA. Molecular Vista produces AFM tools to probe and understand matter at the molecular level through quantitative visualization using Infrared Photo-induced Force Microscopy (IR PiFM).
Molecular Vista develops and sells a specialized AFM instrument called VistaScope with Infrared Photo induced Force Microscopy (IR PiFM), which provides nanoscale imaging & spectroscopy.
PiFM is a combination of AFM and IR spectroscopy in a single instrument that acquires both topography and chemical signatures at the nanometer scale and is universally applicable to a wide range of organic and inorganic materials.
"We believe Molecular Vista's exclusive technology places them at the forefront of one of the fastest-growing segments of the AFM industry," comments Dr. Sang-il Park, CEO Park Systems. "Sung Park and the talented management team at Molecular Vista have created a cutting-edge company with an exciting future, and we are thrilled to become part of it."
AFM provides nanoscale topographic images and various other measurements including mechanical, electrical, and other physical characteristics of a sample. Now, with the addition of PiFM technology, it can provide researchers with chemical and molecular composition information combined with the nano physical data.
"The Park Systems investment will help us significantly expand our technology driven IR PiFM platform, filling a critical void in nanoscale molecular and chemical analysis," states Sung Park, CEO of Molecular Vista. "We are honored that Park Systems, a leader in AFM since its inception, has become an equity partner."
About Park Systems
Park Systems is the fastest growing and world-leading manufacturer of atomic force microscopy (AFM) systems, with a complete range of products for researchers and engineers in the chemistry, materials, physics, life sciences, semiconductor and data storage industries. Park Systems is a publicly traded corporation on the Korea Stock Exchange (KOSDAQ) with corporate headquarters in Suwon, Korea, and regional headquarters in Santa Clara, California, USA, Mannheim, Germany, Beijing, China, Tokyo, Japan, Singapore, and Mexico City, Mexico. To learn more about Park Systems, please visit