Park Systems Introduces Park NX-IR R300 and Park NANOstandard
- 12 Jun 2023
- Volume 24
- NANOscientific Magazine, Spring 2023
Park NX-IR 300
Park Systems, a leading manufacturer of atomic force microscopy (AFM) and nano metrology systems, has launched two new products to its portfolio of nanoscale metrology solutions for the semiconductor industry. The Park NX-IR R300 is a nanoscale infrared spectroscopy (IR) system that provides chemical property information, mechanical and topographical data for semiconductor research, failure analysis, and defect characterization at an unprecedented high nano resolution. The Park NANOstandard™ product line provides calibration standard samples for AFM and SEM measurements, allowing users to accurately measure and analyze their samples.
The Park NX-IR R300 combines infrared spectroscopy and AFM into one system that can handle up to 300 mm semiconductor wafers. It uses the most advanced IR spectroscopy of photoinduced force microscopy (PiFM) onto the industry-leading Park NX20 300 mm AFM platform. PiFM spectroscopy provides chemical identification under 10 nm spatial resolution, enabling damagefree spectroscopy probing, highest resolution, and accuracy throughout scans. The Park PiFM provides the user with spectroscopy information at varying depths, offering invaluable insight into sample composition. The Park NX-IR R300 is an essential tool for industrial customers who need to analyze the chemical composition of their materials at the highest level of accuracy.
Park NANOstandard AFM Tip Characterizer
The Park NANOstandard product line provides reliable and accurate calibration of AFM and SEM systems, allowing users to accurately measure and analyze their samples. The product line includes AFM Tip Characterizer (AFMTC) and High Magnification Calibration (HMC). The AFMTC is a calibration sample designed to evaluate the radius and half-cone angle of an AFM tip. It is nano-patterned with line widths ranging from 10 nm to 50 nm and is traceable to the Korean Research Institute of Standards and Science (KRISS) for ISO 17034:2016. The HMC standard sample is made of polycrystalline silicon and has five certified values for line widths ranging from 20 nm to 80 nm and five certified values for pitch values ranging from 100 nm to 900 nm. The HMC standard sample is traceable to the KRISS for ISO 17034:2016.
"The Park NX-IR R300 and Park NANOstandard product line are major advancements in our portfolio of nanoscale metrology solutions," said Dr. Sang-il Park, CEO of Park Systems. "They represent our continued expansion into new areas of innovation for nanometric microscopy tools for engineers and scientists in industry and research labs. We are confident that the Park NX-IR R300 and Park NANOstandard will become essential tools for industrial customers who need to ensure the accuracy of their measurements and increase the quality of their products."
The Park NANOstandard products are manufactured in collaboration with Kims Reference Corp., a leading manufacturer of advanced reference materials for nanomeasurement and surface analysis. "We are proud to be collaborating with Kims Reference Corp. to bring this innovative product line to market," said VP of Product Marketing, Richard Lee. "The Park NANOstandard product line will help our customers ensure the accuracy of their measurements and increase the quality of their products."