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Contributed Speaker

Dr. Soeren Hommel

Infineon Technologies AG, FE QM FA MUC 6, Neubiberg, Germany

Scanning Microwave Impedance Spectroscopy Grids for Failure Analysis and Device Characterization

Dr. Soeren Hommel

Infineon Technologies AG

Reliable 2d dopant profiling, resolved on a nanoscale, is of major importance for failure analysis as a well as technology development and process monitoring.

Several methods such as SSRM, calibrated SCM and related scanning probe techniques, claim to reveal the dopant type and perform quantitative dopant concentration measurements with an accuracy of at least on order of magnitude. However, many approaches show weaknesses when the results are challenged.

Scanning Microwave Impedance Microscopy (sMIM) and spectroscopy enable a robust way to characterize the DUT and obtain information about the dopant density relations as well as the dopant type. Furthermore, they offer present and future opportunities for highly resolved, calibrated charge carrier density measurements. Thanks to the capacitive measurement approach, this is not limited to Si, but also transferable to other semiconductor systems such as GaN and SiC.

In this talk, it will be demonstrated which information can be gained from a grid of CV curves. It will be shown how to extract depletion capacitance images from the obtained data. The advantages of depletion capacitance images in comparison to conventional SCM and sMIM will be discussed.

Finally, an outlook at the future opportunities of sMIM and the related CV spectroscopy will be given.

Fig. 1 Depletion capacitance image of the Infineon np20 sample processed from an array of CV curves obtained by scanning microwave impedance spectroscopy.